James M. Jones

Director, Center for the Study of Diversity
Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of Africana Studies
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of Africana Studies
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
James M. Jones is the Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Africana Studies and Director of the Center for the Study of Diversity at the University of Delaware. Professor Jones’ first book, Prejudice and Racism, was published in 1972, and the second edition in 1997. It still stands as a classic analysis of race, class and culture in psychology. His most recent book, The Psychology of Diversity (with Jack Dovidio and Deborah Vietze) was published by Wiley in 2013 He currently serves on the American Bar Association Task Force on the impact of Stand Your Ground laws on Black and Latino communities.